Wanting to clear out some old possessions recently I came across my train set. This was a Tri-ang Hornby “00” gauge set I got when I was quite young, around 1969. I got it out about fifteen years ago for my daughter, and haven’t looked at it since. I was considering what to do with it, and — no surprise — found that there are enthusiasts all over the Web. I posted a few shots and descriptions and sent it out to a few of the clubs and keeners. It will be interesting to see if it’s worth much of anything to someone.
It was an experience going through the boxes and looking at these toys. It brought back clear memories from over thirty years ago. I had a lot of fun with the trains and, in retrospect, can see that my bias towards creating track layouts and station configurations, rather than actually operating the trains themselves, predicted the kind of work I would do later in life.
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