Better late that even later. Three tracks that defined my year in 2015:
Beach House, “Space Song”
It was a year of transition. At the tail end of summer, walking and biking Cannon Beach in Oregon, I felt that five years after my divorce everything had finally come together and I had myself back fully, even though I’d just realized it. “Fall back into place.” A revelation live at their April 2016 concert in Vancouver.
Sufjan Stevens, “Blue Bucket of Gold”
Driving the beautiful Highway 26 from Portland to the ocean, rain alternating with sun. One relationship over, and another one—I could almost feel it—just around the corner. “Raise your right hand / Tell me you want me in your life / Or raise your red flag / Just when I want you in my life.” Another great concert in June 2015 at the Orpheum.
Sjowgren, “Seventeen”
I don’t include enough fun songs in these lists. “If you want a second to breathe / I’ll give you all of my love / I’ll give you all that you need, ah.”